HDA’s President and CEO Chester “Chip” Davis, Jr., Testifies Before House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee on Generic Drug Shortages
September 14, 2023Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) President and CEO Chester “Chip” Davis, Jr., testified today before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health during a legislative hearing on proposals to prevent and respond to generic drug shortages.
Below is an excerpt from Mr. Davis’ testimony:
“HDA and its members recognize the challenges drug shortages pose to the healthcare system, and that is why we work with manufacturers to mitigate and manage them when they occur. We applaud the [House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health] for the admirable efforts to act on drug shortages but caution against policy proposals that would create unintended disruptions to the supply chain … HDA and its members stand ready to provide our continuing perspective and insight on behalf of the pharmaceutical distribution industry and partner with [the committee] on real solutions to this complicated challenge.”
Read the full testimony here.
Background Materials
HDA Response to House Energy and Commerce Committee Drug Shortages Request for Information
HDA Policy Recommendations To Address Drug Shortages
Fact Sheet: “What Are Drug Shortages and How Do They Differ?”
About HDA
The Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) represents primary pharmaceutical distributors — the vital link between the nation’s pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmacies, hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics and others nationwide. Since 1876, HDA has helped members navigate regulations and innovations to get the right medicines to the right patients at the right time, safely and efficiently. The HDA Research Foundation, HDA’s nonprofit charitable foundation, serves the healthcare industry by providing research and education focused on priority healthcare supply chain issues.