

HDA Names Bryan Hannon to State Government Affairs; Announces Five Promotions

January 15, 2025

Today, the Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) announced the following updates to its staff.

Bryan Hannon joined the association as Director of State Government Affairs, representing the interests of HDA’s healthcare distribution members and managing a legislative territory of 11 states. Mr. Hannon comes to HDA with strong advocacy and healthcare policy experience. He most recently worked as a Director of State Advocacy and Outreach at the American Academy of Physician Associates. Previously, he served as a Regional Government Relations Director at the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. Mr. Hannon will be based in Indiana.

“Bryan’s extensive knowledge of the healthcare system will help him effectively communicate to state lawmakers the value of safe and efficient healthcare distribution,” said Leah Lindahl, Vice President, State Government Affairs. “We are excited to welcome him to HDA.”

In addition to Mr. Hannon’s hiring, HDA promoted five staff members for their contributions to the organization:

  • Abby Kizer from Associate Director, HDA PAC and Grassroots to Director, HDA PAC and Grassroots;
  • Maggie Klee from Manager, Marketing and Communications to Associate Director, Marketing and Social Media;
  • Meghan Knott from Director, HR and Culture to Senior Director, HR and Culture;
  • Michelle Leslie from Associate Director, Membership and Education to Director, Membership and Education; and,
  • Stan Snyder from Manager, Accounting to Associate Director, Accounting.

For more information on HDA and the role and value of healthcare distributors, visit

About HDA

The Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA) represents primary pharmaceutical distributors — the vital link between the nation’s pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmacies, hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics and others nationwide. Since 1876, HDA has helped members navigate regulations and innovations to get the right medicines to the right patients at the right time, safely and efficiently. The HDA Research Foundation, HDA’s nonprofit charitable foundation, serves the healthcare industry by providing research and education focused on priority healthcare supply chain issues.