Data Exchange Benchmarking Survey Q4 2023
The Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA), in collaboration with Advanco partners, is conducting this survey of manufacturers and distributors quarterly to benchmark data exchange for the purposes of DSCSA systems stabilization and compliance. The Q4 2023 summary is the second survey in the series.
FDA generally expects manufacturers and wholesale distributors to be exchanging transaction information (including product identifiers) and transaction statements in a secure, interoperable and electronic manner as of November 27, 2023. However, FDA recognizes that additional time beyond November 27, 2023, was needed for systems to stabilize and be fully interoperable for accurate, secure and timely electronic data exchange. In final guidance, FDA has recommended that trading partners use the GS1 US Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) standard to provide and maintain the data associated with transaction information and transaction statements.
This survey informs industry trading partners on the status of successful data connections and perceived obstacles to sharing transaction data downstream. Data reflect responses from manufacturers and distributors.