2025 Business and Leadership Conference

June 1-4, 2025 | JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes

2025 Business and Leadership Conference

June 1-4, 2025 | JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes

  • 111


  • 11


  • 46


Prepare for Your One-on-One Business Appointments

One-on-one business appointments are scheduled by PartnerLinx® 2.0, HDA’s online business appointment scheduling system. PartnerLinx matches your meeting requests and priorities to generate your team’s appointment schedule of 20-minute meetings, with a five-minute break between appointments to allow for travel time.

Phase I is now open! Follow HDA's User Guide for help navigating the platform.

Launch PartnerLinx

2025 PartnerLinx Scheduling Software Timeline

January 13–March 14 (PHASE 1): Distributor coordinators enter tables; manufacturer coordinators update team names and descriptions.

March 17–April 18 (PHASE 2): Coordinators and captains select and rank appointment requests in PartnerLinx. You may also block three time slots.

Week of April 25: Schedules are made available to attendees that have paid their registration and dues invoices.

April 25–May 9 (PHASE 3): Conference coordinators and table/team captains may make edits and additions to appointment schedules in PartnerLinx.

BLC Roles: Coordinators, Captains and Teams

Each company will select one BLC Coordinator, to act as the primary point of contact to prepare your company for the appointment scheduling process. The coordinator does not need to be a BLC attendee. Coordinator duties include:

  • Registering team members for the conference; 
  • Entering table topics and table captains (distributors);
  • Assigning individuals to specific tables (distributors) and teams (manufacturers); and, 
  • Assisting in the appointment request process.

Once registered, each team/table must assign a Captain as an onsite appointment contact. You are unable to receive appointment requests without an assigned table/team captain. The captain and the coordinator may be the same person. Captain duties include:

  • Assisting in the appointment request process; and, 
  • Assisting in the appointment request process (only captains/coordinators can request and edit appointments in PartnerLinx).

Manufacturers with five or more attendees may have multiple teams participate, with separate appointment schedules. Each team will have a unique team name and team captain in PartnerLinx. 

Manufacturer Teams:

  • 1–4 registrants = 1 team
  • 5–7 registrants = 2 teams
  • 8+ registrants = 3 teams

For inquiries/changes to your BLC coordinator or captain(s), or to request multiple teams, contact Lisa Kanfer, VP Membership and Development.

Appointments will be held during the following times:

  • Monday, June 2: 10:20 AM–12:00 PM and 1:15 PM–4:35 PM
  • Tuesday, June 3: 9:00 AM–11:55 AM and 1:35 PM–5:45 PM
  • Wednesday, June 4: 9:00 AM–11:55 AM

Event Contacts