
Results for "The Role of Distributors in the U.S. Specialty Pharmaceuticals Value Chain"

    HDA Factbook: Rx Sales Through Traditional Healthcare Distributors Increase

    New data released by the HDA Research Foundation reveal that total prescription sales through traditional pharmaceutical distribution jumped 15.5 percent in 2022 to reach $666 billion. As highlighted in the 94th Edition HDA Factbook, an estimated 95 percent of all pharmaceutical sales move through the traditional distribution channel. Moreover, distributors are operating on the lowest margins in the study’s history — in 2022, the industry’s net profit margin after taxes was 0.4 percent.

    The Role of Distributors in the US Health Care Industry

    Published in collaboration with Deloitte Consulting LLP, The Role of Distributors in the US Health Care Industry provides insights into the importance of wholesalers in driving efficiency and innovation across the pharmaceutical supply chain.

    Understanding Specialty Pharmaceutical Distribution

    This interactive course is made up of nine modules illustrating the key pharmaceutical supply chain stakeholders and their functions as products move from the manufacturer to the patient.

    Five Things to Know: Pharmaceutical Distributors and Vaccine Distribution

    The successful development of COVID-19 vaccines will mark a groundbreaking step in our fight against the pandemic. However, the massive demand for approved vaccines and therapies as they come to market will require extensive coordination across the pharmaceutical supply chain and with the public sector.